Who is Jimmy Sweets?
May 3, 2019

From 1 host, to 7! Jimmy Sweets is the newest addition to the BB hosting team joining the likes of Micky Pickles, Rich Furness and of course, Jonny Bongo. Having worked for the company for nearly 2 years already, Jimmy Sweets has had various roles before becoming a host; Bar Operations Manager, working on drinks partnerships and as a dancer. Now ready to try his hand at host life, we catch up with the man himself. Jimmy doesn’t shy away from much as he goes into graphic details about his wild antics at Snowbombing Festival and how he ended up with the name Jimmy Sweets...
Who is Jimmy Sweets?
My name is Jimmy Sweets, brand new host, I'm 25 (my stage age is 25) and I’ve been working at Bongo’s for 2 years now before taking the plunge and becoming a host.
I had my first ever show as a host recently which went really well, I loved it but I don’t know if anyone else liked it at all. But I really really loved it.
Before this you were a dancer. What is one of the weirdest experiences as Foxy Roxy?
Snowbombing was one of the weirdest experiences of my life, especially the road trip there, 1000 miles which took about 22 hours. I had Jonny basting music from 2 speakers either side of my head whilst I was sat next to Cole aka Slutty Susie, say no more. Jonny kept telling me to do things like shove a bottle of Bucky up my arse and crowdsurf which obviously I did because I’m an idiot #Jonnymademedoit.
What is something we don’t know about Jimmy Sweets?
I’ll give you three things you don’t know:
When I graduated I couldn’t afford the gown so I sat outside the cathedral with my dog and just listened to my name get called out. Then I went home.
I’ve been the lead singer of a few bands. None of which you’ve ever heard of
I was on Don’t Tell The Bride as Jonny Bongo’s best man back in 2009(season 3, episode 9) Always the best man, never the groom.
How did you get the name Jimmy Sweets?
I used to work in a bar and Jonny Bongo used to come in everyday and order 12 old fashioned every day but he used to make me make them really really sweet so instead of asking for an old fashioned he’d just say ‘GIV US A JIMMY SWEETS’, so there's that...
How would you explain Bongo’s to someone who had never been before?
It's bingo but not as you know it! At Bongo's Bingo the game is still king, just with a new lease of life injected into it. You can expect some outrageous prizes, some of the best/worst dancers to ever grace a stage, at least a 15-minute rave and songs ranging from the likes of Dr Dre to Oasis to Disney bangers. It’s a very social, crazy and hilarious night out for everyone.
Favourite sweets?
I’ve got some on me now actually and its popping candy. It’s not just my favourite sweet its all I eat.
Any advice for a Bongo's Bingo first timer?
Sometimes people don't know how to react when they first come to the show. Just leave all your inhibitions at the door, you're in safe hands, all we want is for people to have a great night.