Bongo’s Bingo Day Sesh
Bongo's Bingo Matinee Shows
Jan. 23, 2025

Are you a fan of Bongo’s Bingo but feel like you’d like to try something different in your life?
Perhaps you’re like me and sometimes you just want the feeling of a night out, but you know, not so late?
Maybe you’d like to feel as if you can enjoy an event and have the option to carry your night on in town with your mates get f*cking wild, stick a traffic cone on your head, be sick in a street bin and have a night of regret and send that inappropriate message to your ex.
Or if that’s not for you, maybe you just want to go home at a somewhat reasonable hour, have some sort of weird midnight hangover and feel relatively fresh the next day.
Whatever your choice, say hello to the Bongo’s Day Sesh - the ultimate way to have a midafternoon dose of bingo injected into your lives.
Same shows, same dancers and hosts, just during the day.
Check the listing below to see if there’s a day sesh in your city. Times vary slightly so check the website for more information. See HERE.